Thursday, December 26, 2013

diy oatmeal scrub for your dry winter skin!

We all love Christmas season.... minus the harsh things it does to your skin. Dry, flakey, itchy. You’ll find that oatmeal can be used in a different way than just for breakfast! So try this DIY face scrub! All of things you need is in your kitchen, so go grab them! - A

Place a few tablespoons of oats in a blender and blend for just a few minutes, then grab some bananas and mash them up! Then, add some almond oil, and some honey. Next, add some fresh orange juice (which acts as an exfoliator and makes pores smaller) and some mineral salt, (removes dead skin) if you don't have mineral salt substitute with kosher salt.
Mix all together and place a few tablespoons all over your face and sit for about 15 minutes or until the mask is dried on your face, then rinse with warm water!

*so you'll need*
  • oats
  • mashed banana
  • pure almond oil
  • honey
  • fresh orange juice
  •  mineral salt
  • blender

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